CLES Lab received The 6th HY-Innovation Award for Development of New Electrolyte for Solid-State Batteries!

Hanyang University Industry-Academia Cooperation Division (Director: Byeon Joong-moo) selected a total of five technologies as innovative technologies through the '6th HY-Innovation Awards' competition and held an award ceremony on July 26th at the Hanyang Institute of Technology (HIT).
The HY-Innovation Awards is a competition aimed at discovering outstanding technologies and product items from within the university's researchers, providing support for MVP (Minimum Viable Product) production, and generating technology transfer and commercialization on a product basis. It was first held in 2018 and celebrated its 6th year this year. A cash prize and practical development funds are awarded to the winners, and various benefits for technology commercialization are provided, including the production of technology promotional materials (SMK, Sales-Material-Kit), support for domestic and international exhibitions, support for overseas patent applications, medium to long-term technology transfer, and technology startups.
Prof. Jiwoong Bae was selected as an outstanding award recipient for his innovation in the technology of "3D Porous Coral-like Ion-Conductive Nano Powders Manufacturing and Solid-State Battery Applications." Prof. Bae is conducting research on advanced solid-state batteries related to batteries. The utilization of solid-state batteries is expected in future fields such as electric vehicles and energy storage systems (ESS).
한양대학교 산학협력단(단장 변중무)은 '제6회 HY-Innovation Awards' 공모전을 통해 총 5건의 기술을 혁신기술로 선정하고, 7월 26일 한양종합기술연구원(HIT)에서 시상식을 개최했다. HY-Innovation Awards는 교내 연구자의 우수기술 및 제품 아이템을 발굴하고 MVP(최소기능제품) 제작을 지원하여 제품 단위의 기술이전 및 사업화를 창출하기 위한 공모전으로, 지난 2018년에 처음 개최돼 올해로 6회를 맞이했다. 수상자에게는 상금과 실용화개발비가 수여되며, 기술 홍보자료(SMK, Sales-Material-Kit) 제작 지원, 국내외 박람회 출품 지원, 해외 특허출원 지원, 중·장기 기술이전, 기술창업 등 기술사업화를 위한 다양한 특전이 부여된다.
배지웅 교수는 “3차원 분지산호형 이온전도성 나노분말 제조 및 전고체전지 응용” 기술에 대해 혁신성을 인정받아 우수상 수상자로 선정되었다. 배 교수는 배터리 관련 미래형 전고체 전지를 연구하고 있다. 향후 전기자동차, 에너지저장장치(ESS) 분야 등으로 전고체전지의 활용이 기대된다.
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